
Friday, 26 November 2021

Department Of Excise Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Department Of Excise has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Department Of Excise Recruitment 2021 to fill 46 vacancies of Excise Inspector, Assistant Excise Guard positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Department Of Excise Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 10th December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Department Of Excise Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Department Of Excise

Name of Positions : Excise Inspector, Assistant Excise Guard

Number of Vacant Positions: 46

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Inspector of Excise - 13
2. Sub Inspector of Excise - 07
3. Junior Stenographer - 03
4. Assistant Excise Guard - 23

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th/ 12th/ Diploma/ Graduation Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be Below 45 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Excise Inspector, Assistant Excise Guard they will attain salary in scale pay of Level - 05 (Post 1), Level - 04 (Post 2,3), Level - 01 (Post 4) per month from Department Of Excise

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Document Verification for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Department Of Excise Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 10th December 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration of Application Form Is Starts From : 25-11-2021.
Last Date For Applying Online Is : 10-12-2021.

official Website :

RND Recruitment 2021 - 2022

River Navigation Department has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as RND Recruitment 2021 to fill 13 vacancies of Sailor, Multi Tasking Staff positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for RND Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 1st December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

RND Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: River Navigation Department

Name of Positions : Sailor, Multi Tasking Staff

Number of Vacant Positions: 13

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Sailor - 11
2. Multi Tasking Staff (Peon) - 01
3. Multi Tasking Staff (Watchman) - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 7th/ 10th/ ITI from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be 18 - 45 years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Sailor, Multi Tasking Staff they will attain salary in scale pay of Level - 02 (Post 1), Level - 01 (Post 2,3) per month from River Navigation Department

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for RND Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 1st December 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

River Navigation Department, OPP. Gurudwara, Betim Bardez Goa

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date for Forwarding Filled Application Forms : 01-12-2021.

official Website :

Thursday, 25 November 2021

RLDA Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Rail Land Development Authority has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as RLDA Recruitment 2021 to fill 45 vacancies of Assistant Project Engineer (Civil) positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for RLDA Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the application form in the précised manner through Email on or before 23rd December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

RLDA Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Rail Land Development Authority

Name of Positions : Assistant Project Engineer (Civil)

Number of Vacant Positions: 45

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Assistant Project Engineer (Civil) - 45

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained BE/ B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 21 to 28 years as on 23-12-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Assistant Project Engineer (Civil) they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 54,600/- per month from Rail Land Development Authority

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the GATE Score for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for RLDA Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by sending sending soft copy of application form with relevant document in prescribe format to following Email address on or before 23rd December 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last date for receving application form through email is :23-12-2021.

official Website :

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

MHD Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Medical & Health Department has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MHD Recruitment 2021 to fill 134 vacancies of Lab Technician, Pharmacist positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MHD Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 5th December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MHD Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Medical & Health Department

Name of Positions : Lab Technician, Pharmacist

Number of Vacant Positions: 134

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Lab. Tech. Gr.II - 16
2. Pharmacist Gr.II - 03
3. FNO - 76
4. Sanitary Attendant cum Watchman - 39

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th/ Diploma (Medical Lab. Technology/ Pharmacy)/ B.Pharmacy/ M.Pharmcy/ B.Sc. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be 42 years as on 01.11.2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Lab Technician, Pharmacist they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 28,000/- (1,2), Rs. 12,000/- (Post 3,4) per month from Medical & Health Department

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for MHD Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 5th December 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

Medical & Health Department Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date of Receipt of Applications : 05-12-2021.

official Website :

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

DMER Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Department of Medical Education and Research has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as DMER Recruitment 2021 to fill 162 vacancies of Staff Nurse positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for DMER Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 27th December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

DMER Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Department of Medical Education and Research

Name of Positions : Staff Nurse

Number of Vacant Positions: 162

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) - 162

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (OR) B.Sc. Nursing. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 1000/-is needed to be paid by General/ OBC/ EWS Category Candidates.
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/-is needed to be paid by SC/ ST Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the Ex-Sm/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Nil.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 37 Years as on 01-01-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Staff Nurse they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 29,200/- per month from Department of Medical Education and Research

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Test, Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for DMER Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 27th December 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date For Online Application Is : 15-11-2021.
Deadline for Submitting Online Application Form Is : 27-12-2021.

official Website :

Monday, 22 November 2021

MGNREGA Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MGNREGA Recruitment 2021 to fill 15 vacancies of Technical Assistant, Data Entry Operator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MGNREGA Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 30th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MGNREGA Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Name of Positions : Technical Assistant, Data Entry Operator

Number of Vacant Positions: 15

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Technical Assistant - 10
2. Computer Assistant - 01 
3. Account Assistant - 01 
4. Data Entry Operator - 02 
5. Assistant - 01   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma or Degree in Engineering/ Graduation Degree/ M.Com./ MCA/ CA from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 200/-is needed to be paid by Other Category Candidates.
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 150/-is needed to be paid by BC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SReserved & Other Category : Rs. 100/-.
Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Technical Assistant, Data Entry Operator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 17500/- (Post 1), Rs. 12000/- (Post 2-4) per month from Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Shortlist for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for MGNREGA Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 30th November 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

At MGNREGA Cell, Ferozepur

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
End Date To Submit Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 30-11-2021.

official Website :

MPSPPC Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Madhya Pradesh State Policy & Planning Commission has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as MPSPPC Recruitment 2021 to fill 23 vacancies of Consultants positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for MPSPPC Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 30th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

MPSPPC Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Madhya Pradesh State Policy & Planning Commission

Name of Positions : Consultants

Number of Vacant Positions: 23

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Principal Consultant - 01
2. Senior Consultant - 10
3. Consultant - 12

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Master’s Degree in relevant Discipline from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be Below 50 Years (Post 1), 45 Years (Post 2), 40 Years (Post 3).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Consultants they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 90,000/- (Post 1), Rs. 67,500/- (Post 2), Rs. 45,000/- (Post 3) per month from Madhya Pradesh State Policy & Planning Commission

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for MPSPPC Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 30th November 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date of Online Submission of Applications Form Is : 30-11-2021.

official Website :

Registration Department Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Registration Department has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Registration Department Recruitment 2021 to fill 12 vacancies of Lower Division Clerk positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Registration Department Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 3rd December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Registration Department Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Registration Department

Name of Positions : Lower Division Clerk

Number of Vacant Positions: 12

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Lower Division Clerk - 12

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th/ Diploma from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be Below 45 Years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Lower Division Clerk they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. Level - 02 per month from Registration Department

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam/ Skill Test for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Registration Department Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 3rd December 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Online Registration Starts From : 19-11-2021.
Last Date To Submit Online Application : 03-12-2021.

official Website :

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2021 to fill 19 vacancies of Teacher positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 30th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti

Name of Positions : Teacher

Number of Vacant Positions: 19

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Hindi Teacher - 04
2. English Teacher - 04 
3. Sanskrit Teacher - 02 
4. Mathematics Teacher - 02 
5. Biology Teacher - 01 
6. History Teacher - 01 
7. Geography Teacher - 01 
8. Economics Teacher - 01 
9. Agriculture Teacher - 01 
10. Pol. Sci. Teacher - 01 
11. Commerce Teacher - 01   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Master Degree with B.Ed./ MBA/ M.Com. from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/-is needed to be paid by General/ OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ EWS & Other Category : Rs. 250/-.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be 40 years as on 01.01.2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Teacher they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 56100 - 177500/- per month from Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, GD, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 30th November 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

The Principal, Netarhat Awasiya Vidyalaya, P.O. – Netarhat, Via – Gumla, Dist – Latehar (Jharkhand) – 835218

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Closing Date to Submit the Application Form : 30-11-2021.

official Website :

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

CEDMAP Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Centre For Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as CEDMAP Recruitment 2021 to fill 1141 vacancies of Accountant, Office Assistant, Data Entry Operator positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for CEDMAP Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 30th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

CEDMAP Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Centre For Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh

Name of Positions : Accountant, Office Assistant, Data Entry Operator

Number of Vacant Positions: 1141

Detailed Vacancies:

1. State Finance Manager/ Consultant - 01
2. Accountant-Account Assistant - 01 
3. Monitoring & Evaluation - 01 
4. IEC / Media & Community / Institutional Development expert - 01 
5. Technical Expert (Software Development) - 01 
6. GIS / MIS & ME Specialist - 01 
7. Local Planning & Governance Expert - 01 
8. Programmer - 01 
9. State Data Manager - 01 
10. District Coordinator/ Manager - 52 (District Level) 
11. Computer Operator-Office Assistant - 52 (District Level) 
12. Sub Engineer/ Technical Coordinator (Civil) - 313 (Block Level) 
13. Accountant-Data Entry Operator - 626 (Block Level) 
14. PESA Block Coordinator (for PESA block only) - 89   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 12th/ DCA/ PGDCA, Graduation in any Discipline, Diploma / B.E. in civil Engineering, B.E./B.Tech. in IT / CS or MCA or M.Com. or M.A. in Economics or MSW, PG/MA/MBa in any Discipline, PG Degree / PG diploma in any discipline from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Accountant, Office Assistant, Data Entry Operator they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 38,521/- (Post 1,3-9), Rs. 19,260/- (Post 2,12), Rs. 26.965/- (Post 10), Rs. 13,096/- (Post 11), Rs. 9631/- (Post 13), Rs. 15,409/- (Post 14) per month from Centre For Entrepreneurship Development Madhya Pradesh

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for CEDMAP Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 30th November 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date of Online Application Form Filling Is : 15-11-2021.
Last Date For Applying Online Is : 30-11-2021.

official Website :

Office of the Deputy Commissioner Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Office of the Deputy Commissioner has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Office of the Deputy Commissioner Recruitment 2021 to fill 31 vacancies of Driver, Peon, Basta Bardar positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Office of the Deputy Commissioner Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 10th December 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Office of the Deputy Commissioner Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Office of the Deputy Commissioner

Name of Positions : Driver, Peon, Basta Bardar

Number of Vacant Positions: 31

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Driver - 01
2. Peon - 29
3. Basta Bardar - 01

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 8th/ 10th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 - 45 years as on 01-01-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Driver, Peon, Basta Bardar they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 361/- (Post 1), Rs. 300/- (Post 2,3), Per Day per month from Office of the Deputy Commissioner

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Driving Skill Test, Evaluation/ Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Office of the Deputy Commissioner Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 10th December 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date For Online Application Is : 10-11-2021.
Dead Line of Online Application Is : 10-12-2021.

official Website :

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Gujarat Postal Circle has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 to fill 188 vacancies of Postman, Multi Tasking Staff,Postal Assistant positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 25th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Gujarat Postal Circle

Name of Positions : Postman, Multi Tasking Staff,Postal Assistant

Number of Vacant Positions: 188

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant - 71
2. Postman / Mail Guard - 56 
3. Multi Tasking Staff - 61    

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th, 12th from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 100/-is needed to be paid by General/ OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Nil.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 to 27 Years (Post 1,2), 18 to 25 Years (Post 3).
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Postman, Multi Tasking Staff,Postal Assistant they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 25,500 - 81,100/- (Post 1), Rs. 21,700 - 69,100/- (Post 2), Rs. 18,000 - 56,900/- (Post 3) per month from Gujarat Postal Circle

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Personal Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 25th November 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

The Assistant Director (Recruitment), Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Gujarat Circle, Ahmedabad – 380001.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Deadline to Submit Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 25-11-2021.

official Website :

Monday, 15 November 2021

Collector Office Kondagaon Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Collector Office Kondagaon has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as Collector Office Kondagaon Recruitment 2021 to fill 117 vacancies of Assistant, Peon positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for Collector Office Kondagaon Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 23rd November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

Collector Office Kondagaon Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Collector Office Kondagaon

Name of Positions : Assistant, Peon

Number of Vacant Positions: 117

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Assistant (Grade-III) - 10 
2. Peon - 107

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 5th / 12th with Diploma (Computer) from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 350/-is needed to be paid by General Category Candidates.
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 250/-is needed to be paid by OBC Category Candidates.
  • Contenders belonging to the SC/ ST/ PWD (Persons with Disability) Category : Rs. 200/-.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 - 35 years as on 01-01-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Assistant, Peon they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 5200 - 20200/- plus Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- (Post 1), Rs. 4750 - 7440/- plus Grade Pay of Rs. 1300/- (Post 2) per month from Collector Office Kondagaon

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Written Exam, Skill Test for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for Collector Office Kondagaon Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 23rd November 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date of Online Application Form Filling Is : 01-11-2021.
Last Date of On-line registration : 23-11-2021.

official Website :

Monday, 1 November 2021

KSEB Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as KSEB Recruitment 2021 to fill 15 vacancies of Office Attendant, Meter Reader positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for KSEB Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the offline application form in the précised manner on or before 20th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

KSEB Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd

Name of Positions : Office Attendant, Meter Reader

Number of Vacant Positions: 15

Detailed Vacancies:

Under Sports Quota -

1. Assistant Engineer 
2. Sub – Engineer 
3. Meter Reader 
4. Junior Assistant / Cashier 
5. Office Attendant 
6. Mazdoor (Electricity Worker)    

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 4th/ 8th/ 9th/ Diploma or Degree in Engineering/ Graduation Degree from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Exam Fee:
  • A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/-is needed to be paid by All Category Candidates.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 - 24 years.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Office Attendant, Meter Reader they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 59100 – 117400/- (Post 1), Rs. 41600 – 82400/- (Post 2), Rs. 31800 – 68900/- (Post 3,4), Rs. 24400 – 43600/- (Post 5,6) per month from Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Trials and Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for KSEB Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply by downloading the application through the official website and send it to following address on or before 20th November 2021.

Address to Send Application: :

Sports Co-ordinator Sports Cell, Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. Cabin No.838, Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom Palace P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 004.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Last Date to Submit Hard Copy of Application Form Is : 20-11-2021.

official Website :

NRL Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Numaligarh Refinery Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as NRL Recruitment 2021 to fill 60 vacancies of Apprentices Trainee positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for NRL Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 7th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

NRL Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Numaligarh Refinery Limited

Name of Positions : Apprentices Trainee

Number of Vacant Positions: 60

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Diploma Apprentices - 38
2. Law Graduate Apprentices - 03 
3. Food & beverage service Apprentices - 06 
4. Back Office Apprentice - 13    

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained Diploma in Engineering/ Diploma or Degree (Hotel Management/Hospitality Management/food & beverage)/ B.Com/ BA/ LLB from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Contestant 19s maximum age limits should be Below 32 years as on 01-10-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Apprentices Trainee they will attain salary in scale pay of Rs. 17,000/- (for Degree Pass), Rs. 12,200/- (For Diploma Pass) per month from Numaligarh Refinery Limited

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Merit List for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for NRL Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 7th November 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Starting Date For Online Application Is : 27-10-2021.
Online Registration of Application Form Ends On : 07-11-2021.

official Website :

BVFCL Recruitment 2021 - 2022

Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited has unfolded a vacancy advertisement titled as BVFCL Recruitment 2021 to fill 17 vacancies of Trade Apprentices positions from capable and competent applicants. The job hunters who found them eligible for the offered jobs openings they must not waste the time and get the information completely from this page of

The applicants who are willing to apply for BVFCL Recruitment 2021 they should fill and submit the online application form in the précised manner on or before 24th November 2021. Entire information such as eligibility criteria, selection process, salary package, apply process, last date, etc. are mentioned on this page.

BVFCL Recruitment 2021 Detailed Information

Organization Name: Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited

Name of Positions : Trade Apprentices

Number of Vacant Positions: 17

Detailed Vacancies:

1. Electrician - 02
2. Wireman - 01 
3. Fitter - 02 
4. Mechanic - 02 
5. Draughtsman - 01 
6. Machinist - 02 
7. Welder - 02 
8. Fitter - 03 
9. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic - 01 
10. Mechanic Diesel - 01   

Qualification Details: Aspirants should have attained 10th / ITI from a recognized Board / University / Institute.

Age Limitations:
  • Candidates who are applying should be between 18 - 24 years as on 31-03-2021.
  • Age limits is relaxed as per the positions applied in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by government.

Salary Scale:
  • Those aspirants who will be selected successfully for the post of Trade Apprentices they will attain salary in scale pay of per month from Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited

Selection Process / Criteria:
  • The organization shall conduct the Shortlisting, Interview for the assortment of the applicants.

Procedure to Apply for BVFCL Recruitment 2021 - 2022:

Candidates who are meeting with the above detailed eligibility parameters they may apply online for the application through the official website on or before 24th November 2021.

Important Date to Keep in Mind :
Commencement of Online Application Form Is : 25-10-2021.
Online Registration Ends On : 24-11-2021.

official Website :


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